Introduction to Aikido

Aikido (the way of harmonious energy) is a Japanese martial art based on the principles of redirecting attacks to a point of non-resistance, and controlling aggression without inflicting injury. ​​Aikido practice teaches how to not oppose physical force. Then, we can harmonize with ourselves, others, and the world. 

This is the foundation of KINO-NAGARE, a continuous energy flow, like a river or waterfall always moving without interruptions or hesitation. In order to develop KINO-NAGARE I have designed a daily practice that follows 8 principles to harness your effortless power and unlock your highest potential, by cleansing, cultivating, and magnifying your energy levels.

The Japanese term “Bushido” or (the way of the warrior - the way of the Samurai) expresses that a warrior’s way of life is not simply fighting,  but it is the constant refinement and development of the human character throughout a lifetime. Aikido training is meant to develop not only a strong individual, but one with the wisdom and positive energy to benefit society.  Aikido views conflict not as a contest with others, but as an opportunity to forge oneself and overcome the enemy within.

MASAKATSU AGATSU: “True victory is Victory over the Self.” This is the true spirit of Aikido as described by its founder, O’ Sensei Morihei Ueshiba.

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